St Mary's Church Restoration Project

Church Restoraton Proposals

To respond to the consultation with any comments or objections, email (please also read the guidance for petitioners for interior works here, for churchyard here). 


The church leadership has been giving consideration to how we may best use our facilities and space to serve the mission of God. This is a continually ongoing work, but sometimes change seems right. We are currently making some proposals (consultation live 25/11/2022- 25/12/2022).

In brief the proposals include glass doors in the porch to replace the current wooden ones, removal of pews in the South aisle (side nearest main door) and carpeting of the area. A variety of changes are proposed in the churchyard. We hope that these proposals will enhance our ministry of welcome and assist accessibility by creating a more flexible space in the church and a better entrance way in the porch area. The improved insulation provided by new porch doors may also reduce our carbon footprint. 

Overall our aim is to:
1)   improve the welcome that we can give to parishioners and visitors, 
2)   improve accessibility for those with additional needs, 
3)   and to continue our work on ecological issues, particularly by reducing our negative environmental impact, and increasing our support for nature. 
This all stems from our commitment to the gospel of Jesus Christ, and we pray, will help us to play our part in God’s mission in the world.

To view our proposal posters click here

To view full details of the petitions on the Church of England's online system, click here. (Select 'Filter by: Church' then type "Ingleton")

To give towards this project and to find out how we got on when replacing the roof two years ago, visit our restoration appeal page here



St Mary's Church Restoration

Details of our ongoing appeals to restore and enhance the fabric of St Mary's Church, Ingleton

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